At Greenville Women’s Wellness Center, we are a proud Certified BioTE® Medical Provider. BioTE‘s method of pellet therapy may help restore hormonal balance within the body and promote a healthier, happier life. Pellets provide bioidentical hormones that work to replicate the hormones within your body and are more effective than other synthetic options available. To learn more about how bioidentical hormone replacement therapy may be able to improve your quality of life, contact our Greenville providers to learn more about hormone pellets today!
The chemical makeup of hormone pellets from BioTE Medical most closely resemble the molecular structure of the hormones found within the human body. Synthetic hormones have a variety of negative side effects, but the BioTE method of using bioidentical hormones may help you avoid these. If you’re in search of a healthy, impactful way to balance your hormones, look no further than the medical providers at Greenville Women’s Wellness Center.
When you use hormone pellet therapy to try to restore hormonal imbalances within your body, you can expect two to four visits to our providers per year. Instead of worrying about taking pills on a daily basis, you will undergo a few pellet insertions per year so the hormones will be readily available to you. When your body is experiencing a deficiency, it will draw from the pellet and balance everything out. This provides for an easy way to level out hormones, and without the side effects of other synthetic options.
Age Healthier... Live Happier!® with BioTE’s method of pellet therapy! When you undergo bioidentical hormone replacement therapy here in Greenville, you can expect to see results fairly quickly. Some BioTE patients have reported noticing symptom changes in as little as seven to 10 days, and complete symptom relief is achieved within six months. Our providers will customize a dosage for you that best suits your situation and imbalance.
You deserve care that will leave you feeling healthy and happy for years on end. At Greenville Women’s Wellness Center, we offer a comprehensive range of health services, spanning from contraceptive devices to bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Our friendly staff works with the most current practices in the industry and goes out of their way to make you, the patient, feel comfortable. You should never underestimate the importance of maintaining your personal health, so schedule a visit with our Greenville medical providers today!